15 Essential Windows Command Prompt Commands for Everyday Use

The Windows Command Prompt, also known as CMD, is a powerful tool for performing various tasks without relying on a graphical user interface (GUI). Knowing some useful commands can help you troubleshoot, manage files, and enhance productivity.

Here is a guide to some essential Windows Command Prompt commands and their applications.

1. `ipconfig`
Displays network configuration details.



This command shows information about your computer’s network connections, such as IP address, subnet mask, and default gateway. Adding parameters like `/all` can provide more detailed information.


ipconfig /all

ipconfig all

2. `ping`
Tests the connection between your device and another device or server.

ping [hostname or IP address]

This is especially useful for diagnosing network connectivity issues. For instance, you can test if a website is reachable by typing:

ping google.com

ping command

3. `dir`
Lists files and directories in the current directory.


You can use additional switches like `/p` to pause output or `/w` for a wide format.

dir command


dir /p

4. `cd`
Changes the current directory.

cd [directory path]

Navigate to a specific folder or return to the root directory by typing:

cd \

To go up one directory level:

cd ..

5. `cls`
Clears the Command Prompt screen.


This command is helpful to declutter your workspace after running multiple commands.

6. `copy`
Copies files from one location to another.

copy [source file] [destination path]


copy C:\example.txt D:\backup\example.txt

7. `move`
Moves files from one location to another.

move [source file] [destination path]


move C:\example.txt D:\documents\

8. `del`
Deletes files.

del [file name]

To delete a file named `example.txt`:

del example.txt

9. `mkdir` and `rmdir`
Creates and removes directories.

To create a directory:

mkdir [directory name]

mkdir command


mkdir NewFolder

To remove an empty directory:

rmdir [directory name]


rmdir OldFolder

10. `tasklist` and `taskkill`
Displays and manages running processes.

To view a list of running processes:


tasklist command

To terminate a specific process:

taskkill /im [process name] /f


taskkill /im notepad.exe /f

11. `chkdsk`
Checks the integrity of a disk and repairs issues.

chkdsk [drive:] [parameters]


chkdsk C: /f /r

12. `sfc`
Scans and repairs corrupted system files.

sfc /scannow

Run this command as an administrator to ensure all corrupted files are identified and replaced.

13. `powercfg`
Manages power settings.

To view available power schemes:

powercfg /list

To generate a detailed report of your system’s power usage:

powercfg /energy

14. `shutdown`
Shuts down or restarts the computer.

shutdown /s

To restart:

shutdown /r

To schedule a shutdown after a specific time (in seconds):

shutdown /s /t [time]


shutdown /s /t 60

15. `systeminfo`
Displays detailed information about the system.


This command provides information about your operating system, installed updates, hardware, and more.

Systeminfo command


Mastering these Command Prompt commands can save you time and enhance your ability to manage your Windows system effectively.

Whether you’re troubleshooting a network issue, managing files, or optimizing system performance, these commands are indispensable tools for any Windows user.

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