A curated list of shareable social media links – 27 Platforms

Something strange is happening. Your advertising doesn’t work anymore, at least not like it used to. You used to be able to buy some TV time or put an ad in a newspaper, but nowadays everyone has TiVo or a DVR and gets their news online. The conversations that took place under industrial broadcast media about your products happened in small groups, and their words disappeared as soon as they were spoken. Now the conversations happen in front of millions of people, and they’re archived for years to come. Not only is your brand no longer the host, most of the time you’re not even a welcome guest. But it’s not all doom and gloom.

Social media is best defined in the context of the previous industrial media paradigm. Traditional media, such as television, newspapers, radio, and magazines, are one-way, static broadcast technologies. For instance, the magazine publisher is a large organization that distributes expensive content to consumers, while advertisers pay for the privilege of inserting their ads into that content.

Whether you are part of a small, medium, or giant business, or are an individual entrepreneur, your customers are using social media, and there’s no reason you shouldn’t be, too. It costs almost nothing, it’s easy to get started, and it can have an enormous financial impact on your business.

A social network is a website where people connect with friends, both those they know offline and those who are online-only buddies. Social networking sites are a hot topic for marketers, as they present a number of opportunities for interacting with customers, including via plug-in applications, groups, and fan pages.

Each social network presents its own possibilities and challenges. Users of individual sites have different expectations of commercial behavior. In this article we’ll introduce you to the top 27 most popular networks and their unique sharing media urls.

1. Buffer

URL: https://buffer.com/add
Documentation: https://buffer.com/extras/button
Parameters: url, text


2. Delicious

URL: https://del.icio.us/post
Documentation: https://del.icio.us/tools
Parameters: url, title, notes


3. Digg

URL: http://digg.com/submit
Documentation: N/A
Parameters: url, title


4. Echo JS

URL: http://www.echojs.com/submit
Documentation: http://www.echojs.com/submit
Parameters: u, t


5. Email

URL: mailto:
Documentation: https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/Guide/HTML/Email_links
Parameters: subject, body


6. Facebook

URL: https://facebook.com/sharer/sharer.php
Documentation: https://developers.facebook.com/docs/plugins/share-button/
Parameters: u


7. Flattr

URL: https://flattr.com/submit/auto
Documentation: http://developers.flattr.net/auto-submit/
Parameters: user_id, url, title, content, description, language, tags, hidden, category


8. Flipboard

URL: https://share.flipboard.com/bookmarklet/popout
Documentation: https://about.flipboard.com/tools/
Parameters: v, title, url, t


9. Google Bookmarks

URL: https://www.google.com/bookmarks/mark?op=edit
Documentation: N/A
Parameters: annotation, bkmk, labels, op, title


10. Google Plus

URL: https://plus.google.com/share
Documentation: https://developers.google.com/+/web/share/
Parameters: url


11. Hacker News

URL: https://news.ycombinator.com/submitlink
Documentation: https://news.ycombinator.com/bookmarklet.html
Parameters: u, t


12. Instapaper

URL: https://www.instapaper.com/text
Documentation: N/A
Parameters: u


13. LinkedIn

URL: https://linkedin.com/shareArticle
Documentation: https://developer.linkedin.com/docs/share-on-linkedin
Parameters: url, title, mini, summary, source


14. Line

URL: http://line.me/R/msg/text
Documentation: https://media.line.me/howto/en/
Parameters: N/A


15. Pinterest

URL: https://pinterest.com/pin/create/bookmarklet
Documentation: https://developers.pinterest.com/docs/pin-it/
Parameters: media, url, description


16. Pocket

URL: https://getpocket.com/save
Documentation: https://getpocket.com/add
Parameters: title, url


17. Reddit

URL: http://reddit.com/submit
Documentation: https://www.reddit.com/buttons
Parameters: url, title


18. Renren

URL: http://widget.renren.com/dialog/share
Documentation: http://dev.renren.com/website/?widget=rrshare
Parameters: url, title, description


19. Sina Weibo

URL: http://service.weibo.com/share/share.php
Documentation: http://open.weibo.com/wiki/ShareCode
Parameters: url, title


20. StumbleUpon

URL: http://www.stumbleupon.com/submit
Documentation: N/A
Parameters: url, title


21. Telegram

URI: tg://msg_url
Documentation: N/A
Parameters: text, url


22. Tumblr

URL: https://www.tumblr.com/widgets/share/tool
Documentation: https://www.tumblr.com/docs/en/share_button
Parameters: posttype, url, canonicalUrl, title, caption


23. Twitter

URL: https://twitter.com/share
Documentation: https://dev.twitter.com/web/intents
Parameters: text, url, hashtags, via, related, in_reply_to


24. Viber

URI: viber://forward
Documentation: https://www.viber.com/en/viber-share-button
Parameters: text


25. Vkontakte

URL: http://vk.com/share.php
Documentation: http://vk.com/dev/share_details
Parameters: url


26. WhatsApp

URI: whatsapp://send
Documentation: https://www.whatsapp.com/faq/en/iphone/23559013
Parameters: text


27. Xing

URL: https://www.xing.com/spi/shares/new
Documentation: https://dev.xing.com/plugins/share_button/docs
Parameters: url


All Credit goes to Vinkla.

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