Four-Step Word to PDF Conversion Process with GoGoPDF

Since we know that PDF files are widely used in today’s world, it is only logical and reasonable that we know how to convert our Word documents to PDF files. But why should we convert our Word documents? Some reasons include compatibility purposes, better security, and easier access.

You might have experienced some compatibility issues whenever you access your Word documents with other versions of the software, right? With PDF files, regardless of what operating system or device you are using, it maintains the document’s original formatting integrity. But what is the easiest, quickest, and most convenient way of converting Word documents to PDF files? Well, it’s no other than GoGoPDF.

What is GoGoPDF?

GoGoPDF is one of the quickest and easiest ways for you to convert Word to PDF in just two minutes. Not only that, but the platform also offers other file formats, including PPT, Excel, HTMl, PDF/A, JPG, PNG, and also a reverse conversion feature if you are required the other way around. It has around 20 tools at your disposal that you can access anywhere and anytime you want as long as you have an internet connection.

Some of its tools include PDF repair, protect, lock & unlock, split, compress, merge, and a bunch of other tools. There’s also no need for you to install or download anything on your device like apps or software and employing some third-party program. It also reduces your device’s risk of getting any undesirable malware or viruses normally associated with app or software installation.

GoGoPDF also has a responsive customer service team that will help you if you are having difficulties using their tools and services. Whenever you have problems navigating their platform, the customer service team will gladly lend you a helping hand.

Word to PDF Four-Step Conversion Process

Choosing to convert your Word documents to PDF files makes it easier to read, access, and secure from other people. With GoGoPDF, you are guaranteed that it would only take two minutes of your time for you to complete the four-step conversion process. GoGoPDF’s Word to PDF converter is one of the quickest and easiest ways of converting your files.

First Step

The first step is to access GoGoPDF by going to their website, “,” and press on the Word to PDF converter tool. After you have already clicked the tool, you will be transferred to a new page to upload your Word documents. This can be done in two easy ways:

  • Using GoGoPDF’s drag-and-drop feature and dropping it into the converter box.
  • Press on the blue “Select Files” button and choose which Word document you want to convert to a PDF file.

Second Step

After you have chosen the Word documents you want to convert, GoGoPDF will immediately start your files’ conversion process. Since there’s nothing else to do, you might wonder whether the files you have uploaded are safe and secure? Will no one other than you have access to it? The answer to those questions is yes, and no respectively.

Your files are safe and secure with GoGoPDF’s SSL encryption technology that guarantees your files are encrypted as you transmit them along with the internet. The files you have uploaded are automatically removed from their system after an hour has passed since the upload. This is to make sure that no one can ever have access to your files.

Third Step

There’s nothing to do on the third step but wait until the Word to PDF conversion process is complete. Since we have already told you that GoGoPDF is one of the quickest and most efficient ways of converting your files, the conversion process would only take a few seconds regardless of how many or big the files are. Knowing this, you have already saved so much time that you can use for other things.

Fourth Step

The fourth step is to directly download your newly converted, high-quality PDF files into your storage devices. If you want, you will also get the option to save it in your cloud storage like Dropbox or Google Drive or share it with other people via a shareable link you can use to paste your social media accounts or email account. From the first step until the last, you have only used two minutes of your precious time, giving you more time in doing your next task.


It is only natural to provide you with the best and fastest ways of converting your Word documents to PDF files. We, too, don’t want you to waste your time waiting just to get your files converted into your chosen file format, and that is why we introduced to you the best online PDF converter tool on the internet.

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