Detect WordPress User/Version/Theme/Plugins with WP-Grab-Info Tool

WP-Grab-Info is an open source tool through which you can easily detect the WordPress Version, Username, Theme Name and Plugins List.

Install WP-Grab-Info in Kali Linux –

To install this above said tool, you can either download the file directly from the repository of Github or you can install it via Git Clone command as shown below:

Command: git clone

After complete installation, to run WP-Grab-Info, type

Command: perl -u

Where, -u stands for your Target WordPress URL.

This tool is not more useful but yes its a quick enumeration testing tool and if you really want to scan your whole WP website then you can also use WPSCAN which is one of the most popular WordPress fingerprinting tool or WPSEKU which is another WordPress security scanner.

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