Gloom – Linux Penetration Testing Framework

Security is a state in which we ensure a proper gap between the threats and assets of an organization. We try to either move assets far away from threats or we try to somehow apply good security controls in between the two. When we talk about Security, we have to focus on both Application and Operating System. However OS itself is quite stable and less probe to attacks, i.e. you will get with some hard time getting a serious attack vector.

Kali Linux is a Linux penetration testing and security auditing Linux distribution. After its release in March 2013, Kali Linux has quickly become the new favourite among Pen Testers worldwide as their choice for the Pen testing OS. Replacing its predecessor Backtrack, Kali incorporated several new features and looks quite promising.

Today we’ll discuss the Gloom-Framework which is a Linux Penetration Testing Framework and was written in Python. The windows version is not available yet and is only meant for Linux distributions.

Installation of Gloom Framework in Kali Linux –

To download Gloom Framework, type “git clone

After that you need to install this tool by typing “python

To run the framework, type “sudo python

To view all options, type “help” in command line terminal which shows you all options and commands for this framework.

  • admin_panel_finder :: Find Website Admin Panels
  • ip_geolocation :: Geolocate an IP Address
  • web_whois :: Gather WHOIS Information on a Target
  • discover_lan_devices :: Detect Users/Devices on LAN
  • website_ip_resolver :: Get IP Address of Website
  • payload_generator :: Generate Windows Payload
  • wifi_jammer :: Wireless Deauthentication Attack
  • listener :: Listen For Connections on Network
  • waf_scanning :: Scan for Website Firewall
  • port_scanner :: Scan for Open Ports

Suppose if you want to use Website IP Resolver then the command is “website_ip_resolver” which will gives you the public IP of that website in just 1-2 seconds.

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