10 Tips and Best Practices To Improve PHP Security

As PHP has evolved since its inception in 1994, it soon became a model of database interaction, and creating a framework where users are able to develop dynamic web applications through a server….

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PHP Learning Resources [Compilation List 2018]

PHP, which stands for PHP Hypertext Preprocessor, is a server-side embedded scripting language. In non-technical terms: a PHP processor is run on the server (Windows, or a flavor of UNIX). When a page is requested…

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PHP – Minimal Guide for Beginners

PHP is a general-purpose scripting language especially suited for Web development. It is open-source and can be deployed on all major operating systems and web servers free of charge. It is imperative, reflective and…

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Complete PHP Tutorial – Chapter 8

PHP Functions always plays an important role in programming while developing an application/site in PHP language. User Defined Functions A function is a block of code that needs to be used multiple times…

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Complete PHP Tutorial – Chapter 6

In this tutorial, we’ll cover Arrays and its types which are Numeric Arrays, Multi-Dimensional Arrays and Associative Arrays. Numeric Arrays An array is a special type of variable that is capable of storing…

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