5 Myths About App Development

In attempts to diversify everyday life, people often add myths to seemingly ordinary occupations. This is true for the application development process as well. Interestingly, these myths do not appear out of thin air and are not an indicator of any particular segment. Be it code writing, UI UX design, or any post-development issue – there are myths that everyone has heard about, but no one has come across.

These myths are usually shared by people who do not participate in the process and are not reps of the industry. Let’s take a look at some of the most popular myths and try to figure out where they come from.

It’s easy to manage the development process

The main message here is as follows: it is easy to manage the development process since the manager does not need to personally take part in the development. They only need to check that all tasks are within the deadlines. In addition, managers have a huge number of supporting tools to control all aspects of development. Indeed, it sounds easy enough.

But of course, this is not the case at all. You can often find developers who are confident that they will be able to manage the entire team, but once in such a position, they quickly realize that they were wrong.

React native development company requires deep knowledge of the technical side of the process in order to guide developers and avoid as many problems as possible. Tools are of course a great help, but their mere presence does not give any result – they must be used correctly. Among other tasks, there are also deadlines management, negotiations, etc. Therefore, a good manager should have leadership qualities and sufficient soft skills to keep the team on the right track.

Simply put: only a few can manage the development process well.

An idea is enough to start developing an application

Many think that a good idea will definitely get support since the market is overflowing with labor and investors. This is a big misconception.

The market is really overcrowded, but this does not always make the task easier. Instead, it is quite the opposite – the number of competitors and ready-made solutions that pop up every day is also very large.

Besides, the process of turning an idea into a working solution is also tough. You can find a wealth of information on how great ideas failed due to poor implementation. The internet is also full of articles on why startups fail, and how many obstacles are there on the way from idea to application.

A bare idea is no longer enough in the 21st century. Moreover, a good idea is only one of many success indicators. It is more important how this idea will be implemented.

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More features bring more value

Some think that a single application that will handle numerous tasks is a really good idea. It is hardly so.

Good apps focus on one area. Moreover, in this area, one main issue needs to be chosen for the application to solve it. This way, it will bring value to users. Of course, you shouldn’t completely abandon additional functionality. Still, the development and implementation of extra functionality will incur additional time, money, and labour. This can delay your market entry, or even ruin your startup if you go well above the budget.

A successful application should work as a Lean Startup and focus on solving a specific problem. The user doesn’t need a single app full of confusing buttons and functions. They need the application that brings a specific value.

Work ends after development

Users do not see and do not understand the work that continues to be done after the app has been developed and rolled out. In fact, this is where the critical work begins – app maintenance, marketing, customer care.

No specialist will tell you when exactly the work on the application is over – unless it ceases to exist. If the application is active and attracts users, then constant support, bug fixes, and changes to the code base are a must. These are necessary since app frameworks and libraries get regular updates too.

Marketing isn’t important

We have slightly touched on this issue above. This myth is more typical of people involved in the technical part of application development. They are often convinced that after writing the last line of code, people will run to buy and install their application right away. The truth is cruel, however.

As we said above, the market is overcrowded. There are about 2.8 billion apps in the App Store and Google Play. Although only some of them (nearly 500 million) are active, this still represents a very large number of competitors. A new application needs to go a long way to enter the list of the most downloaded and purchased products. Users are tired of getting lost in this huge ocean of apps, and are extremely skeptical about new products on the market. Thus, it is very difficult to position your application as something that users will definitely like. Even if the ad has accomplished its primary task by making users download and install the app, there is a 25% chance that they will never open it again.

Given the saturation and the number of offers within the application market, it is more important to effectively promote and sell an app than, for example, make sure that there are no bugs in it.

Summing Up

These are not all myths related to application development, but the most popular ones. Reading through this list, one can conclude that they appear for two main reasons:

  1. Because of not knowing. People outside the industry are rarely able to put themselves in the shoes of developers and understand the complexity of processes.
  2. Due to misunderstanding. People in a particular profession rarely understand how much work their colleagues perform. Ask any programmer about what exactly a marketer does and what value they bring (and vice versa). You will hear only a couple of general phrases. Therefore, many myths appear because of this misunderstanding.

Sometimes, it’s helpful to put yourself in the shoes of other people, and then maybe a couple of myths will cease to exist.

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