5 Cybersecurity Books From The Experts

Cybersecurity professionals also have some must-read literature. In this article, we have collected five books that can be put at the top of the list or kept on hand as desktop books. All…

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Must Buy Python Books Collection – 2019 Update

Python is an easy-to-learn programming language that has some really useful features for a beginning programmer. The code is quite easy to read when compared to other programming languages, and it has an…

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Top 20 Hacking Books To Read Before You Die

Looking to buy best hacking and security books? We have short listed some of the highly recommended books for beginners and advanced hackers. These books will be a breakthrough in your hacking venture. Here…

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Learn JavaScript with 50+ Resources/Ebooks

S.No Name of the Book Download Link 1 jQuery Enlightenment A book for jQuery developers who have surpassed the introductory concepts. By – Cody Lindley View More 2 AngularJS Directives in Traction This…

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Biggest Hacking & Security E-Books Collection – FREE Download

Ever thought of creating a library with thousands of free hacking an security e-books? You’d never have to spend a dime. It sounds impossible, but it’s not! Free E-books, on nearly all topics…

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A to Z Programming Notes – By GoalKicker.com

Are you looking for the Best Free Programming eBooks on PHP, Python, Ruby, Java etc? Choose from over 40+ eBooks for Free! Read and Download eBooks for Free: anytime with GoalKicker.com! Most of…

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Fantastic PHP Related Books – 2018 Update

PHP is a recursive acronym that stands for PHP: Hypertext Preprocessor; this is in the naming style of GNU, which stands for GNU’s Not Unix and which began this odd trend. The name…

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Best Books about SVG

Scalable Vector Graphics (SVG) is an XML-based vector image format for two-dimensional graphics with support for interactivity and animation. The SVG specification is an open standard developed by the World Wide Web Consortium…

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9 Best Books for NodeJs Lovers – 2018 Update

If you already know the basics of Node.js, now is the time to discover how to bring it to production level by leveraging its vast ecosystem of packages with the following books. As…

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10 Best Books of Website Performance and Optimization

To best optimize your website, it is important to understand how users interact with search engines. “We’re Number One !” That’s the dream of site owners everywhere, as they seek to attain the…

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Hacker’s Handbook Series – Collection 2018

The Hacker’s Handbook is a non-fiction book from the 1980s effectively explaining how computer systems of the period were hacked. They actually explained the actual hacking attempts such as password hacking, brute forcing,…

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Best 16 Penetration Testing Books – 2018 Update

A penetration test is very different and much more intrusive than a simple vulnerability analysis. It consists mainly of furthering the vulnerability analysis by exploiting the vulnerabilities discovered during the latter. Unmistakably, the…

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Top 5 Reverse Engineering Books – 2018 Update

Reverse-engineering is especially important with computer hardware and software. Programs are written in a language, say C, C++ or Java, that’s understandable by other programmers. But to run on a computer, they have…

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Best 3 Malware Analysis Books – 2018 Update

1. Practical Malware Analysis: A Hands-On Guide to Dissecting Malicious Software 1st Edition Amazon Buy Link – https://www.amazon.com/Practical-Malware-Analysis-Hands-Dissecting/dp/1593272901 Price – $28.78 (Paperback) & $34.35 (Kindle) Rating – 4.5 out of 5 Nostarch Link – https://nostarch.com/malware…

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4 Best Network Analysis Books – 2018 Update

Nowhere is the term hacker more misconstrued than in the network security field. This is understandable because the very same tools that network security professionals use to probe the robustness of their own…

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5 Books Considered the “Best Nmap Books Ever Written”

Nmap (Network Mapper) is a security scanner, originally written by Gordon Lyon used to discover hosts and services on a computer network, thus building a “map” of the network. Typical uses of Nmap:…

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