Best Books about SVG

Scalable Vector Graphics (SVG) is an XML-based vector image format for two-dimensional graphics with support for interactivity and animation. The SVG specification is an open standard developed by the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) since 1999. SVG images and their behaviors are defined in XML text files.

Here we’ve listed out the Best 6 Books of SVG through which you can easily learn the techniques used for creating graphics:

1. Building Web Applications with SVG

Led by three SVG experts, you’lll learn step-by-step how to use SVG techniques for animation, overlays, and dynamic charts and graphs. Then you’ll put it all together by building two graphic-rich applications. Get started creating dynamic visual content using web technologies you’re familiar with – such as JavaScript, CSS, DOM, and AJAX.

2. Interactive Data Visualization for the Web

Create and publish your own interactive data visualization projects on the web – even if you have little or no experience with data visualization or web development. It’s inspiring and fun with this friendly, accessible, and practical hands-on introduction. This fully updated and expanded second edition takes you through the fundamental concepts and methods of D3, the most powerful JavaScript library for expressing data visually in a web browser.

3. Learning Raphaël JS Vector Graphics

This book looks at the powerful vector graphics drawing library, Raphaël, and how you can utilize it to draw vector graphics and create interactive web applications with ease.

4. RaphaelJS: Graphics and Visualization on the Web

Create beautiful, interactive images on the Web with RaphaëlJS, the JavaScript library that lets you draw Scalable Vector Graphics (SVG) right in the browser. With this concise guide, you’ll quickly learn how to paint the screen with shapes and colors that you can turn into lively, animated graphics and visualizations.

5. Sams Teach Yourself SVG in 24 Hours by Micah Laaker

Sams Teach Yourself SVG in 24 Hours provides a thorough understanding of the technology, complete with working examples and practical answers to common development questions. The book focuses on how to create imagery in SVG for static and dynamic graphics.

6. SVG Tessellation

A picture book with a the goal of teaching you about graphics in modern web browsers. SVG Tessellation is an introduction to Scalable Vector Graphics (SVG), an HTML5 graphics technology, with the goal of teaching you how to create all 17 classes of two-dimensional tessellations.

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