Essential Steps for Hiring a Dedicated App Development Team

There are numerous ways to cover your mobile app development needs:

  • Building an in-house mobile dev team.
  • Looking for freelance mobile developers.
  • Deciding to hire a team of dedicated mobile developers.

And if your focus is on the latter, make sure to learn some tips that will help you to contribute to your project’s success and save your time, money, and nerve cells.

But at the very beginning, let’s define a dedicated mobile development team to ensure that we are on the same page.

What is a Dedicated App Development Team?

A dedicated app development team is a group of professionals hired by outsourcing software development companies and working on mobile projects for their clients. It becomes an excellent option for those looking for full-cycle mobile app development services, as a dedicated team (in most cases) covers everything from the very first developments to the ongoing support of the solution.

Furthermore, it’s a friendly alternative to hiring developers to join the in-house team, as it saves time for your HRs and frees your accountants from tax-related headaches. And it’s also a more trusted option compared to working with freelancers.

When you cooperate with a professional software development provider with experience in your industry and proven expertise (make sure to look through a company’s portfolio and read some reviews on Clutch), a dedicated development team saves your company tons of time and a considerable amount of money. At the same time, it positively impacts your business by making it more modern and your products and services more accessible to a broad and rich mobile audience.

Do you already want to hire a team of dedicated app developers? Then continue reading to learn about some valuable tips.

Things to Consider Before Hiring Mobile App Development Team

In short, there are three things you have to know before you start a hiring process as many hiring challenges may exist:

  • What you want to develop
  • Defined expectations
  • Your time and budget frames

Now let’s see why it is important and how it can help.

What do you want to develop?

It doesn’t matter if you plan a small or large-scale project: you need to have a clear idea of what you want to transmit to your dedicated spp development team.

So think about the app type you need (cross-platform o native, for iOS or Android) and, based on this info, decide on the tech stack.

Your provider can suggest the latter. And possible options include Swift for iOS, Kotlin or Java for Android, and React for a cross-platform app.

What are your expectations?

What type of team do you need, and what do you want them to do? Do you want them to extend your company’s capabilities and provide you with everything from first development to support, or do you need a team for short-time, rapid developments?

What are your timeframes and budget?

Unless you have a limited development budget, your company’s financial impact is unpredictable. So plan it ahead:

  • Make sure to consider the budget for development, management, and marketing.
  • Spread the cost in phases.
  • Define a deadline for MVP and full-scale application.

For sure, the list of questions that can help you to ensure the success of your project does not end here. Other good questions to find answers connected to:

  • The value of your app: what’s unique about it?
  • Your targeted audience: who are these people, and what do they expect from solutions like yours?
  • What are the major functions you set for MVP, and what do you expect from a full-scale project?
  • Concerns to address: whether they are related to distribution, security, or architecture.

When you have clearly established goals and vision for your product, you can start looking for a team and make sure that it can meet your requirements.

How to Make Sure Your Dedicated App Developers Match Your Requirements?

The process of finding a team can be tricky. Today, the app development market is full of offerings. How to separate the gold from the garbage? Here are some tips.

  1. You can turn to a software provider by recommendation. It’s one of the safest options.
  2. If there is no one to recommend you a trusted company, you can go to such platforms as Clutch and find the one with good reviews yourself.
  3. Your choice of where to hire a dedicated app team has to align with your budget, but you also should consider the convenience of working hours.
  4. Companies specialize in developing certain types of apps, whether in terms of industrial expertise, distribution platform, or technology stack. Make sure your goals align with their offerings.
  5. Always ask your potential providers to showcase some of their recent case studies on developing similar products if there are some. It will allow you to understand better how the process will be organized and what to expect.

To conclude, let’s say that it’s a good thing to ask yourself many questions and dig deep into the idea of your product before starting its development. It will help add more value to your business offering and save your company time, money, and effort. And when having this clearly-formed idea, it’s easier to choose a provider with relevant expertise and a proven track record of successful projects.

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