How to Improve the Online Anonymity

The only way to get a certain level of online anonymity in the modern world of surveillance and monitoring is through anonymous services like Tail OS, Tor browser, and anonymous hosting or anonymous VPS. No matter the intention, everyone has the right to privacy and the right to remain anonymous.

For bloggers, investigative journalists, and whistleblowers, starting an anonymous website and publishing anonymously may be the only way to spread their truths.  While remaining unknown, thanks to anonymous publishing, they no longer have to worry about consequences when publicly criticising those in power. Only anonymous blogs and anonymous websites give voices to people who are silenced and let them speak freely without worrying about consequences.

Another category of users who want to hide their identities are those who seek more details about specific subjects but don’t want to be caught looking for it. It is challenging to maintain your anonymity, especially online, if many surveillance services and organisations can easily identify you.

The last category of users seeking online anonymity are those who just don’t want to share any single part of their lives in online space. With all surveillance and monitoring practices, it is no wonder that more and more users don’t wish to share their private details. These users don’t like the idea that their location can be disclosed based on their IP address or that they can be easily identified due to credit card or PayPal payments. Moreover, users who value their privacy need to be able to host their online data safely and anonymously. No matter the reasons, everyone has the right to rent an anonymous server where he can store his data without exposing his true identity.

Pseudonymity vs. Anonymity

The internet invention did not create the idea of anonymity, but it made it more needed. Historically, people frequently used pseudonyms and anonymity, but does a pseudonym provide enough protection even in the modern online world? A blogger may use a pseudonym when writing sensitive content, but can he be traced based on his IP address or payment transactions?

How did they find me?

Every website you visit can read your IP address and gather data about you, including your identity, your ISP, and even the technical details of your computer and operating system. Once they know your IP address, these surveillance agencies or governments can easily monitor your behaviour on other platforms. The only way to stay anonymous online is by concealing your IP address and taking additional security precautions. So let’s find out what exactly is needed to become incognito in an online universe.

Hide Your online presence with Tails OS

A portable operating system called Tails OS protects users from monitoring and surveillance. A simple flash drive can boot up Tails to any computer without leaving any traces.

With Tails, users may browse the web anonymously without identity exposure or personal information leaks.

Tails doesn’t use the computer’s hard drive and operates independently. Since it doesn’t save any data, the use of Tails makes internet surveillance even more difficult. When running Tails OS, the only way to access the internet is by Tor preinstalled browser, which effectively hides all of your online actions from prying eyes.

Use Tor to browse the web anonymously

If you use Tor’s browser, it will be difficult for eavesdroppers to access your emails, search history, or any other online activity.

Thanks to the Tor networking technology, data communicating over the internet can be sent anonymously. This data is compressed into encrypted packets and sent through the Tor network. Unlike standard internet connections, Tor takes out a part of the packet’s header, a section addressing data that might be used to uncover details about the sender. Tor then encrypts the remaining addressing information in the packet wrapper. Modified and encrypted data packets are routed through random servers, or “relays,” on their way to their destination.

With the help of this anonymous Tor browser, you can access any website anonymously.

The best way to host your content anonymously

Only the anonymous hosting service allows you to start an anonymous blog or host your data anonymously. Untraceable bitcoin payments and anonymous sign-up guarantee the fully anonymous approach of these hosting services.

When setting up anonymous hosting, no PII (personally identifiable information) is required; therefore, your hosted content cannot be connected to your real identity.

And when it comes to payments for hosting fees, the same anonymity feature is applicable. Untraceable cryptocurrency prevents users from exposure as if they pay with a credit card or bank transfer.

Only truly anonymous hosting service won’t require personal information and accepts only cryptocurrencies as payment.

Technical features of anonymous VPS

The backbone of anonymous hosting is a virtual private server, or VPS, a multi-tenant cloud hosting, which allows customers to rent anonymous servers. All virtual machines share the basic servers’ hardware and hypervisor, but each runs its own operating system (OS) and applications while strictly allocating its system resources (SSD, RAM, and vCPU) based on the chosen hosting plan.

Anonymous VPS wasn’t developed only for an anonymous blog or anonymous website hosting. It can easily handle various production workloads, applications, and databases.


Total online anonymity is still achievable based on the above, but additional safety rules must be followed. When browsing the internet, it is advisable to employ Tails, an anonymous operating system.

If Tails OS seems too much, at least use Tor, the incognito browser that encrypts and redirects all your internet activity.

Finally, choose the best anonymous hosting service to host your content anonymously and set up your anonymous server in no time.

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