Open Graph Debugger: How it Changes Your Facebook links

In 2010, Facebook integrated a software known as open graph into its interface. Open graph is software that determines how links are displayed when they are sent on social media. This means that it helps you to be able to decide what to display when creating your page’s URL.

With open graph software, you can indicate the image you want to use for your Facebook page when it is being shared.

Other content types that can be adjusted with open graph include the headline of your page, the object type, e.g., music, video, photo, etc.

Importance of Open Graph When Sharing on Facebook

  • Attaching Elements to your links

Open graph software utilizes metadata to help you to decide what to attach to your Facebook links. What you want to use as the image of your page is a decision that’s solely up to you. You can use open graph debugger to specify the image that you want to display when your page link is shared.

  • Building site Traffic

Using open graph can help you optimize your posts to increase site traffic. Open Graph protocol is somewhat similar to meta descriptions; when built into a website, it can help to index searches, so they get more clicks and referrals.

  • Ease of Access and Simplicity

Open graph’s similarity to meta tags and descriptions makes it easy to use and configure. With the right information and knowledge. Open graph is simple and was created with usability in mind.

  • Content Control

When using open graph, the data you have optimized will always be shown. This means that you have better control of your content and that your viewership becomes more consistent.

Top Open Graph Meta Tags and Their Uses

Some of the essential open graph tags, which can be used both individually and all at once are listed below. These tags are easy to use and help to optimize your URLs based on the elements.

They include :

  1. og:description

The description of the page.


This tag helps you to describe what objects make up the content of your page. It can be music, photographs, text, etc. It helps to specify the objects being described on the page.

  1. og:title

The title of the page.


This helps to specify the site image. When the site contains more than one image and you have a specific choice, the of:image tag helps you to fix which image is displayed first.

  1. og:url

The URL of the page object.


The og:locale tag, is used to specify the locality of the content. If it is in English, the default setting is US-en. However, if it is in a non-English speaking area it needs to be changed.

Open graph helps you to optimize your page so it can be seen more. It has many benefits including helping you to decide the image, headline, and content that your page will display when it is shared on social media.


Open Graph is an essential tool for marketing both services and products. It also solves problems caused by search engine optimization.

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