Internet users are widely using Wi-Fi devices to access Internet. Every year millions of wireless based devices are sold in the market. Out of these most of the devices are vulnerable in their…
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These days, wireless networks are everywhere. With users being on the go like never before, having to remain stationary because of having to plug into an Ethernet cable to gain Internet access is not…
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WPA/WPA2 vastly improves the security of wireless networks; however, the extra protection comes at the price of added complexity to the protocol. Although WPA was developed with security in mind, it does have its own…
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The use of wireless networks has increased exponentially over the last decade or so. Wi-Fi is being extensively used not only by corporate organizations but also by individuals and home users. If you…
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In the wireless industry, wrapping your arms around wireless attacks and their potential business impacts can be tough. All types of Wireless networks are vulnerable to the following attacks and their classifications: 1….
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WPA2 Protocol is one of the most using protocol for Wireless networks now a days but due to latest research, WPA2 can easily be cracked and the handshake traffic can be manipulated to…
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This is a brief walk-through tutorial that illustrates how to crack Wi-Fi networks that are secured using weak passwords. It is not exhaustive, but it should be enough information for you to test…
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Step 20 – Once you have a handshake captured (see the WPA Handshake: [MAC Address] on top in previous article, if it’s there, then you have the handshake), then type 1 and enter to…
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Step 7 – After running Fluxion by typing this command “sudo ./fluxion“, the first step is to select the language. Currently Fluxion supports 6 languages i.e. German, English, Romanian, Turkish, Spanish and Chinese….
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As you all knows in Wireless Networks, there are so many encryption protocols are there i.e. WEP, WPA and WPA2 and out of that WEP is one of the most weakest protocol which…
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