AppCake is a well-known name in jailbreaking circles and used to be an incredibly popular Cydia app. Given the lack of jailbreaks in circulation right now, the AppCake developers decided to bring their…
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Playing games on a mobile device is one of the most popular pastimes right now, but do you ever wish you could play those same games on your desktop computer? Games like PuBG…
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Traditional attacks like phishing, and newer twists like vishing, also impact mobile security. Mobile media adoption is huge when it comes to “texting” with others, not to mention brief phone calls and e-mails to friends…
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For decompiling an android application, the open source tool which we’ll use is “dex2jar“. Download Link – Dex2jar.zip (Extract in any location) Sample Application – yeahhub.apk (Download & Extract/Move into dex2jar folder) About…
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From an end-user perspective, an Android application may appear as a simple standalone application. However, any Android application consists of many components that work in the background to accomplish the given task. Android…
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Androwarn is one of the most popular static code analyzer for malicious android applications whose main aim is to detect and warn the user about potential malicious behaviours. Features of Androwarn – Structural…
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