Useful Google Dorks For Bug Bounty Hunters

Google is one of the most popular search engine offers many different features in different languages.

The term “Google Dork” was invented by Johnny Long. As we know, search engines are designed for efficiently finding information on Internet. Usually, users simply input search terms (keywords) and search engines will return relevant websites that contain corresponding information. However, search engines also support some special operators for relatively complex searching, such as inurl, intitle, and intext. Search queries with these special operators are called Google Dorks.

With the help of Google Dorks, users can easily and quickly find more accurate search results but it has also been abused by many attackers.

Here we’ve also listed out some useful Google Dorks to search for companies that have a responsible disclosure program or bug bounty programs.

S.No. Operators Description Example
01 intitle: Search Page Titles intitle:admin login
02 allintitle: Search Page Title allintitle:admin login
03 inurl: Search URL inurl:8080/login
04 allinurl: Search URL allinurl:adminlogin
05 filetype: Specific Files filetype:json
06 intext: Search text of page only intext: admin credentials
07 allintext: Search text of page only allintext: “security tools”
08 site: Search specific site
09 link: Search for links to pages
10 inanchor: Search link anchor text inanchor:”guest user”
11 cache: Search for cached version of any website
12 related: Search for similar types of websites
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