Internet Security With VPN – Why Do You Need It

vpn internet security

With growing numbers of individuals working remotely in pandemic of Covid-19, telecommuting or traveling with increasing frequency, the traditional business security model continues to evolve. With the advent of widely available high-speed Internet access coupled with VPN technologies; the secure, clearly defined perimeter many organizations like PrivacySharks once enjoyed becomes a bit less distinct.

Virtual Private Networks are implementations of cryptographic technology which is a private and secure network connection because all network traffic between these machines passes through this “virtual” tunnel.

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Virtual private networks (VPN) are used by remote clients to securely connect to company networks.

Types of VPNs

  1. WAN VPN – Branch Offices
  2. Access VPN – Roaming Offices
  3. Extranet VPNs – Suppliers and Customers

To evade the prying eyes of governments, hackers, and Internet Service Providers (ISPs), the use of a VPN and email encryption is integral. Both of these services encrypt your online data, ensuring that no third parties can see it.


Virtual Private Network (VPN) connections can be an effective means of providing remote access to a network; however, VPN connections can be abused by an adversary to gain access to a network without relying on malware and covert communication channels.

See more on VPNSurfers to protect yourself from being hacked online.

In the most common implementation, a VPN allows a user to turn the Internet in private network. As you know, the Internet is anything but private. However, using the tunneling approach an individual or organization can set up tunneling points across the Internet and send encrypted data back and forth, using the IP-packet-within-an-IP-packet method to transmit data safely and securely.

A VPN can also be used to ensure the identity of the participating machines.

VPN Security

  • User accounts for VPN connections should be separate from standard user accounts.
  • Multi?factor authentication should be used for VPN connections.
  • Device authentication ensures that a device establishing a VPN connection is approved for such purposes.
  • VPN termination points should be within a DMZ to allow for the proper inspection and auditing of unencrypted VPN traffic prior to entering and leaving a network.
  • Devices accessing a network via a VPN connection should disable split tunnelling.
  • To prevent unauthorized connection, a whitelist of approved MAC or IP addresses should be implemented.
  • Effective logging and log analysis of VPN connections is vital to accounting for activities performed on a network.

A list of famous VPN Tunneling Protocols:-

  • GRE: Generic Routing Encaptulation (RFC 1701/2)
  • PPTP: Point-to-point Tunneling Protocol
  • L2F: Layer 2 forwarding
  • L2TP: Layer 2 Tunneling protocol
  • ATMP: Ascend Tunnel Management Protocol
  • DLSW: Data Link Switching (SNA over IP)
  • IPSec: Secure IP
  • Mobile IP: For Mobile users

VPN Acronyms:-

S.No. Abbreviation Full Name
1 AAA Authorization, Accounting, and Auditing
2 AFT Automatic Firewall Traversal
3 AH Authentication Header
4 ATMP Ascend Tunnel Management Protocol
5 AVP Attribute-Value-Pair
6 CA Certification Authority
7 CAST Carlisle Adams and Stafford Tavares
8 CBC Cipher Block Chaining
9 CERT Computer Emergency Response Team
10 CFB Cipher feedback
11 CHAP Challenge Handshake Authentication Protocol
12 CRC Cyclic Redundancy Check
13 DES Data Encryption Standard
14 DHCP Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol
15 DLSW Data Link Switching (SNA over IP)
16 DMZ Demilitarized Zone
17 DNS Domain Name Service
18 DSA Digital Signature Authorization
19 DTS Digital Timestamp Service
20 EAP Extensible Authentication Protocol
21 ECB Electronic code blocks
22 ESP Encapsulating Security Protocol
23 GRE Generic Routing Encaptulation
24 HTTP Hypertext Transfer Protocol
25 IDEA International Data Encryption Standard
26 IETF Internet Engineering Task Force
27 IKE Internet Key Exchange
28 IMPs Interface Message Processor
29 IPSec Internet Protocol Security
30 IPX Netware IP
31 IPv4 IP version 4
32 ISAKMP Association Key Management Protocol
33 ISP Internet Service Provider
35 JAVA Just Another Vague Acronym
36 KMI Key Management Infrastructure
37 L2F Layer 2 Forwarding Protocol
38 L2TP Layer 2 Tunneling protocol
39 LDAP Lightweight Directory Protocol
40 MAC Message Authentication Code
41 MD2 Message Digest 2
42 MD4 Message Digest 4
43 MD5 Message Digest 5
44 MPLS Multiprotocol Label Switching
45 MPPE Microsoft Point to Point Encryption
46 MS-CHAP Microsoft CHAP
47 NAS Network Access Server
48 NAT Network Address Translation
49 NBS National Bureau of Standards
50 NDS Netware Directory Service
51 NIST National Institute of Science and Technology
52 NSA National Security Agency
53 NT5 Windows NT 5.0
54 OFB Output feedback
55 OTP One-Time Password
56 PAP Password Authentication Protocol
57 PIX Private Internet Exchange
58 PKI Public key infrastructure
59 PPP Point-to-Point protocol
60 PPTP Point-to-point Tunneling Protocol
61 RADIUS Remote Authentication Dial-in User Service
62 RAS Remote Access Services
63 RC2 Ron’s Code 2
64 RC4 Ron’s Code 4
65 RC5 Ron’s Code 5
66 RFC Request for Comment
67 RSVP Resource Reservation Protocol
68 S/WAN Secure Wide Area Network
69 SHA Secure Hash Algorithm
70 SKIP Simple Key Exchange Internet Protocol
71 SNA System Network Architecture
72 SNMP Simple Network Management Protocol
73 TACACS Terminal Access Controller Access System
74 TCP Transport Control Protocol
75 TLS Transport Level Security
76 UDP User Datagram Protocol
77 VPDN Virtual Private Data Network
78 VPN Virtual Private Networks
79 WAN Wide Area Network
80 WFQ Weighted Fair Queueing
81 WFW Windows for Workgroup
82 WRED Weighted Random Early Drop

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