Useful Windows Run Commands – Part 2 (With Screenshots)

On the Microsoft Windows operating system, the Run command is used to directly open an application or document whose path is known. It functions more or less like a single-line command line interface. In other language, the Run command is used to run applications via terminal commands.

S.No Command Syntax Description Screenshot (POC)
21 services.msc Opens Services Window
22 msinfo32 Opens System Information Window
23 cleanmgr Opens Disk Cleanup Dialog Box
24 resmon Opens Resource Monitor
25 taskmgr Opens Task Manager
26 regedit Opens Registry Editor
27 appwiz.cpl Opens Program and Features Window
28 desk.cpl Opens Display Setting Window
29 powercfg.cpl Opens Power Options Window
30 main.cpl Opens Mouse Properties
31 snippingtool Opens Snipping Tool
32 msconfig Opens System Configuration Dialog Box
33 chrome Opens Chrome Browser
34 compmgmt.msc Opens Computer Management Window
35 sysdm.cpl Opens System Properties Dialog Box
36 sdclt Opens Backup and Restore Window
37 eventvwr.msc Opens Event Viewer Window
38 firewall.cpl Opens Windows Defender Firewall
39 %temp% Opens Temporary Files Folder
40 wmplayer Opens Windows Media Player
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