List of all 31 Information Security Conferences all around the globe

A conference is a meeting of people who “confer” about a topic. Conference types include: Convention (meeting), meeting of a, usually large, group of individuals and/or companies in a certain field; Academic conference, in science and academic, a formal event where researchers present results, workshops, and others.

Here is the complete list of all 31 Conferences in Information Security domain:

1. DEF CON – Annual hacker convention in Las Vegas.

2. Black Hat – Annual security conference in Las Vegas.

3. BSides – Framework for organising and holding security conferences.

4. CCC – Annual meeting of the international hacker scene in Germany.

5. DerbyCon – Annual hacker conference based in Louisville.

6. PhreakNIC – Technology conference held annually in middle Tennessee.

7. ShmooCon – Annual US East coast hacker convention.

8. CarolinaCon – Infosec conference, held annually in North Carolina.

9. CHCon – Christchurch Hacker Con, Only South Island of New Zealand hacker con.

10. SummerCon – One of the oldest hacker conventions, held during Summer.

11. – Annual conference held in Luxembourg.

12. Hackfest – Largest hacking conference in Canada.

13. HITB – Deep-knowledge security conference held in Malaysia and The Netherlands.

14. Troopers – Annual international IT Security event with workshops held in Heidelberg, Germany.

15. ThotCon – Annual US hacker conference held in Chicago.

16. LayerOne – Annual US security conference held every spring in Los Angeles.

17. DeepSec – Security Conference in Vienna, Austria.

18. SkyDogCon – Technology conference in Nashville.

19. SECUINSIDE – Security Conference in Seoul.

20. DefCamp – Largest Security Conference in Eastern Europe, held annually in Bucharest, Romania.

21. AppSecUSA – Annual conference organized by OWASP.

22. BruCON – Annual security conference in Belgium.

23. Infosecurity Europe – Europe’s number one information security event, held in London, UK.

24. Nullcon – Annual conference in Delhi and Goa, India.

25. RSA Conference USA – Annual security conference in San Francisco, California, USA.

26. Swiss Cyber Storm – Annual security conference in Lucerne, Switzerland.

27. Virus Bulletin Conference – Annual conference going to be held in Denver, USA for 2016.

28. Ekoparty – Largest Security Conference in Latin America, held annually in Buenos Aires, Argentina.

29. 44Con – Annual Security Conference held in London.

30. BalCCon – Balkan Computer Congress, annually held in Novi Sad, Serbia.

31. FSec – FSec – Croatian Information Security Gathering in Varaždin, Croatia.

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