List of Common HTTP Error Status Codes

When you access any application over internet or intranet, every HTTP request that is received by a server is responded to with an HTTP status code which is a 3 digit code, and are grouped into various different classes such as 1xx (Informational), 2xx (Success), 3xx (Redirection), 4xx (Client Error) and 5xx (Server Error).

Suggested Read: 1xx, 2xx, 3xx, 4xx and 5xx HTTP Status Codes

The class of a status code can be quickly identified by its first digit. This article focuses only on identifying and troubleshooting the most commonly encountered HTTP error codes, i.e. 4xx and 5xx status codes which are as listed below:

S.No. Status Code Name
1 Code = 400 Bad request
2 Code = 401 Authorization required
3 Code = 402 Payment required
4 Code = 403 Forbidden
5 Code = 404 Not found
6 Code = 405 Method not allowed
7 Code = 406 Not acceptable
8 Code = 407 Proxy authentication required
9 Code = 408 Request Timeout
10 Code = 409 Conflict
11 Code = 410 Gone
12 Code = 411 Length required
13 Code = 412 Precondition failed
14 Code = 413 Request entity too large
15 Code = 414 Request URI too large
16 Code = 415 Unsupported media type
17 Code = 416 Request range not satisfiable
18 Code = 417 Expectation failed
19 Code = 422 Unprocessable entity
20 Code = 423 Locked
21 Code = 424 Failed dependency
22 Code = 500 Internal server error
23 Code = 501 Not Implemented
24 Code = 502 Bad gateway
25 Code = 503 Service unavailable
26 Code = 504 Gateway timeout
27 Code = 505 HTTP version not supported
28 Code = 506 Variant also negotiates
29 Code = 507 Insufficient storage
30 Code = 510 Not extended

If you encounter any error codes that were not mentioned in this article, feel free to discuss them in the comments!

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