Spaghetti – Web App Security Scanner Tool [Installation + Usage]

Spaghetti is a web application security scanner tool. It is designed to find various default and insecure files, configurations and misconfigurations. Spaghetti is built on python2.7 and can run on any platform which has a Python environment.

Features of Spaghetti Tool –

  • Server Detection (Apache, nginx ….)
  • Frameworks (CakePHP, CherryPy, Django …)
  • Firewall (Cloudflare, AWS, Barracuda, Varnish …)
  • CMS (Drupal, Joomla, WordPress, Magento …..)
  • OS (Linux, Unix, Windows …)
  • Language (PHP, Ruby, Python, ASP …)

Installation of Spaghetti –

You can easily install Spaghetti tool from the Github repository by typing the following command:

Command: git clone

After download, you need to install all the dependencies of this tool with the help of pip command.

Command: pip install -r doc/requirements.txt

If your all requirements are already satisfied then you can run Spaghetti by typing “python -h” which shows a welcome screen in front of you.

To use Spaghetti, type “python -u <Target> –scan[0-3]” or “python –url <Target> –scan [0-3]

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