TTFB (Time to First Byte) – Calculation with Dev Tools and Curl

It is crucial to understand the phases in which resources are gathered over the network. All Network resources are considered resources. As they are retired over the network, resources have distinct life cycles expressed in terms of resource timing.

What is TTFB ?

Time spent waiting for the initial response, also known as Time to First Byte. This time captures the latency of a round trip to the server in addition to the time spent waiting for the server to deliver the response.

A slow time to first byte (TTFB) is recognized by a high waiting time and it is highly recommend that your TTFB time should be less than 200 ms. A high TTFB occurs due to bad network conditions between client and server or your server is responding very slowly.

There are a lot of points between clients and servers and each one has its own connection limitations and could cause a problem. The simplest method to test reducing this is to put your application on another host and see if the TTFB improves.

With Chrome Dev Tools – 

For TTFB, you can easily check with the help of Chrome Browser Dev Tools, By pressing F12 under Network Tab as shown below:

With Curl Command – 

Below is the command for your Linux OS through which you can easily check your TTFB with CURL.

Command: curl -o /dev/null -w “Connect: %{time_connect} TTFB: %{time_starttransfer} Total time: %{time_total} \n”

Additionally, there are so many online scanning websites are there which helps you to display your TTFB along with more information:

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