10 Best Free NMAP Tutorials and Resources

10 Best Free NMAP Tutorials and Resources

NMAP (Network Mapper) is a security scanner mainly developed for LINUX platforms but later on ported to Windows, Solaris and BSD Variants. This tool is used to discover hosts and services on a computer network.

Nmap Tool provides various features such as –

  • Host discovery – This software identifies the hosts on a network that respond to TCP and/or ICMP requests.
  • Port scanning – It also enumerating the open ports on target hosts or network.
  • Version detection – It also interrogates network services on remote devices to determine application name and version number.
  • OS detection – It also determines the operating system and hardware characteristics of network devices.

Nmap also provides further information on targets, including reverse DNS names, device types, and MAC addresses.

Below listed best 10 Nmap tutorials can be handy for beginners to start learning NMap. You can also start small and do a simple exercise using these listed tutorials (Yeahhub).

  1. Scan Open Ports using Ss, Netstat, Lsof and Nmap
  2. Top 10 NMAP Widely Used Commands
  3. Top 30 Basic NMAP Commands for Beginners
  4. 19 Useful NMAP Commands You Should Know
  5. 5 Most Commonly Used Nmap Commands
  6. Save Nmap Output to a File with 4 different ways
  7. Testing Methods for HTTPS with OpenSSL, Curl and Nmap
  8. TCP & SYN Scanning with Metasploit Framework without NMAP
  9. 5 Books Considered the “Best Nmap Books Ever Written”
  10. Detection and Exploitation of OpenSSL Heartbleed Vulnerability using NMAP and METASPLOIT