Did a friend sent you a message with a video? it could very well be a rapidly spreading virus/worm.
This is just to inform you that there is now a virus that’s spreading through Facebook private messages by using your Facebook photos and your profile.
Well now a days, every 3rd person is receiving a Facebook message from one of your friends. Couple of week ago we even received some messages from our friends asking me to see the video in which that video thumbnail shows our profile picture.
Facebook users beware of a new FB virus called “Cookie Autostealer” spreading through Facebook messages.
At first, we thought this girl is playing around with a keylogger but after that we’ve been getting approx 5-6 messages continuously from same girl and from some other friends too, then we realized this is another Facebook spam.
If you’ve received this kind of message from your friends, you Facebook account cookies will be sent to that hacker/attacker who is behind this malware.
According to Experts, some antivirus companies are working closely with this spam research. For more info about Facebook resources, you can have this link.
Well, to secure your Facebook account, you can proceed with this link – www.facebook.com/hacked
For removing any app/game from your Facebook, you may proceed with this link – https://www.facebook.com/help/170585223002660/
And to remove unusual browser add-ons, please go through this link – https://www.facebook.com/help/331057463663666
If you think that your system has been infected, then follow this article – https://www.facebook.com/help/389666567759871
For any kind of query/help, please reply back at yeahhub@gmail.com
So please use caution and don’t click on any suspicious photos or links even if you received from your direct friends.
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