We have compiled a full list of Internet Media Types which you can easily use while development.
“Internet Media Type” is the same as a MIME type. MIME types were originally created for emails sent using the SMTP protocol. Nowadays, this standard is used in a lot of other protocols, hence the new naming convention “Internet Media Type” whereas a “Content-type” is simply a header defined in many protocols, such as HTTP, that makes use of MIME types to specify the nature of the file currently being handled.
Suggested Read: List of all MIME’s, their Type, Extension Name and Description
Here are a few of the more popular media types used on the internet.
- Application-Specific Media Types
- Vendor-Specific Media Types
- Audio Media Types
- Image Media Types
- Multipart Object Media Types
- Text Media Types
- Video Media Types
Application-Specific Media Types
S.No. |
Media Type |
Description |
1 |
application/atom+xml |
Atom news feed |
2 |
application/ecmascript |
ECMAScript |
3 |
application/javascript2 |
JavaScript |
4 |
application/json |
JavaScript Object Notation |
5 |
application/mathml-content+xml |
Content MathML |
6 |
application/mathml-presentation+xml |
Presentation MathML |
7 |
application/mathml+xml |
MathML |
8 |
application/octet-stream |
Nonspecified binary data |
9 |
application/ogg |
Ogg multimedia container |
10 |
application/pdf |
PDF document |
11 |
application/postscript |
PostScript |
12 |
application/rdf+xml |
RDF document |
13 |
application/rtf |
RTF document |
14 |
application/sgml |
SGML document |
15 |
application/smil+xml |
SMIL document |
16 |
application/soap+xml |
Simple Object Access Protocol |
17 |
application/sparql-query |
18 |
application/sparql-results+xml |
SPARQL Query Results |
19 |
application/xhtml+xml |
XHTML document |
20 |
application/xml |
XML document |
21 |
application/xml-dtd |
DTD file |
22 |
application/xslt+xml |
XSL Transformations |
23 |
application/zip |
ZIP archive file |
Vendor-Specific Media Types
S.No. |
Media Type |
Description |
1 |
application/vnd.googleearth.kml+xml |
Google Earth file in XML |
2 |
application/vnd.googleearth.kmz |
Google Earth file |
3 |
application/msword |
Microsoft Word file |
4 |
application/vnd.ms-excel |
Microsoft Excel file |
5 |
application/vnd.ms-powerpoint |
Microsoft PowerPoint file |
6 |
application/vnd.oasis.opendocument.graphics |
OpenDocument Graphics |
7 |
application/vnd.oasis.opendocument.presentation |
OpenDocument Presentation |
8 |
application/vnd.oasis.opendocument.spreadsheet |
OpenDocument Spreadsheet |
9 |
application/vnd.oasis.opendocument.text |
OpenDocument Text |
Audio Media Types
S.No. |
Media Type |
Description |
1 |
audio/mpeg |
MPEG audio, for example, MP3 |
2 |
audio/ogg |
Ogg Vorbis, Flac, and other audio |
3 |
audio/vorbis |
Vorbis Encoded Audio |
4 |
audio/x-ms-wma |
Windows Media Audio |
5 |
audio/vnd.wave |
WAV audio |
Image Media Types
S.No. |
Media Type |
Description |
1 |
image/gif |
GIF image |
2 |
image/jpeg |
JPEG image |
3 |
image/png |
PNG image |
4 |
image/svg+xml |
SVG vector image |
5 |
image/tiff |
TIFF image |
6 |
image/vnd.microsoft.icon |
ICO image (icon) |
Multipart Object Media Types
S.No. |
Media Type |
Description |
1 |
multipart/mixed |
MIME e-mail |
2 |
multipart/alternative |
MIME e-mail |
3 |
multipart/related |
MIME e-mail; used by MHTML (HTML mail) |
4 |
multipart/form-data |
MIME web form |
5 |
multipart/signed |
Digital signature |
6 |
multipart/encrypted |
Encrypted messageDigital signature |
Text Media Types
S.No. |
Media Type |
Description |
1 |
text/css |
Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) |
2 |
text/csv |
Comma-separated values |
3 |
text/html |
4 |
text/javascript |
JavaScript; obsoleted in favor of application/javascript |
5 |
text/plain |
Textual data |
6 |
text/xml |
Extensible Markup Language |
Video Media Types
S.No. |
Media Type |
Description |
1 |
video/mpeg |
MPEG-1 video |
2 |
video/mp4 |
MP4 video |
3 |
video/ogg |
Ogg Theora or other video |
4 |
video/quicktime |
QuickTime Video |
5 |
video/x-ms-wmv |
Windows Media Video |
Reference – https://www.freeformatter.com/mime-types-list.html
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