HTML – Questions With Answers – 1 to 25 Questions – SET 1

Q1. What is a web browser?

Answer – A web browser is a software program that runs on your computer and enables you to view web pages.

Q2. What does HTML stand for?

Answer – HTML stands for Hypertext Markup Language.

Q3. Identify the various parts of the following URL:

Answer – The various parts of the URL are as follows: protocol://domain/folder/folder/file

Q4. What is WYSIWYG?

Answer – WYSIWYG is the acronym for what-you-see-is-what-you-get. It refers to the idea that, for example, instead of typing code to cause a certain bit of text to be bold, you simply click a button that makes it bold.

Q5. Fill in the blank: The version of HTML currently under development is _____________.

Answer – The version of HTML currently under development is HTML5.

Q6. What is the program Adobe Dreamweaver used for?

Answer – Dreamweaver is a WYSIWYG web page development and editing tool.

Q7. What is one of the two most popular web browsers?

Answer – Internet Explorer and Firefox are the two most popular web browsers

Q8. Fill in the blank: When you type a URL into your web browser, you send a request to the __________ that houses that information.

Answer – When you type a URL into your web browser, you send a request to the web server that houses that information.

Q9. What does the acronym “URL” stand for?

Answer – URL stands for uniform resource locator.

Q10. What organization maintains the standards for HTML?

Answer – The World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) maintains the standards for HTML.

Q11. How can you give your site’s visitors visual clues as to where they are in your site’s structure?

Answer – The following list is not exhaustive; there are plenty of other good ideas you may come up with.
A. Highlight the current section on the navigation bar.
B. Repeat the page name in the page title (at the top of the browser window).
C. Include the page name in the filename.
D. Include an appropriate headline on the page.

Q12. Fill in the blank: Good practice is to include a standard _________________ on all pages for consistency and ease of use.

Answer – Good practice is to include a standard navigation bar on all pages for consistency and ease of use.

Q13. Fill in the blank: Selling products and recruiting potential employees are examples of web site _______________.

Answer – Selling products and recruiting potential employees are examples of web site goals.

Q14. Fill in the blank: Before you can begin developing your web site, you must know a little about the site’s target _________________.

Answer – Before you can begin developing your web site, you must know a little about the site’s target audience.

Q15. If your site represents a new company or one that doesn’t already have information about its client demographics, where might you look for information?

Answer – Look to the competition. Chances are good that if your competition has a successful web site, you can learn from them about your target audience.

Q16. What file extensions do HTML files use?

Answer – HTML uses the .htm or .html file extension.

Q17. At the very least, which tags should be included in a basic HTML page?

Answer – A basic HTML page should include the following tags: !DOCTYPE, html, head, title, and body.

Q18. Identify the tag name, attribute, and value in the following line of HTML code: <a href=”page.html”>

Answer – Here, a is the tag name, href is the attribute, and page.html is the value.

Q19. Fill in the blank: XHTML requires all tags to be ________case.

Answer – XHTML requires all tags to be lowercase.

Q20. Which option is not acceptable for an HTML filename?
A. myfile.html
B. my-file.html
C. my file.html
D. my1file.html

Answer – The name (my file.html) is not an acceptable HTML filename.

Q21. What is the named character entity used to add a copyright symbol to a web page?

Answer – The sequence &copy; is the named character entity used to add a copyright symbol to a web page.

Q22. You just created a web page, and you’re previewing it in a web browser when you notice an error. After fixing the error and saving the web page, which button should you click in the browser to view the changes made?

Answer – Use the Refresh or Reload button to view the changes you have made.

Q23. Which is the proper way to code the br tag in HTML4/XHTML?
A. <br>
B. </br>
C. <br/>
D. <br />
E. </ br>

Answer – <br /> is the proper way to open and close the br tag in HTML4/XHTML.

Q24. What can you add to the text below so it doesn’t display when the page is viewed in a browser?

Answer – <!– Hide Me! –>

Q25. Which two options will the browser ignore when they are coded in a web page?
A. <p>
B. A tab
C. <br>
D. <br><br>
E. Single space with the SPACEBAR
F. Double space with the SPACEBAR

Answer – Answers B and F are correct. The browser will ignore a tab and a double space made with the SPACEBAR, when they are coded in a web page.

For all HTML – Questions with Answers

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