HTML – Questions With Answers – 101 to 125 Questions – SET 5

Q101. True/False: A link to a multimedia file is the same as any other link because it also uses the a tag.

Answer – True.

Q102. What is the purpose of the param tag?

Answer – The param tag enables you to add any additional attributes for multimedia embedded with the object tag.

Q103. Which attribute of the object tag tells where the media file is located?

Answer – data

Q104. What are Java applets?

Answer – Java applets are miniapplications written in the Java programming language that can run within your browser window.

Q105. What’s the difference between an unordered list and an ordered list?

Answer – An unordered list’s items are not listed in a particular order, whereas an ordered list’s items are. In addition, an unordered list’s items are preceded by bullets, whereas an ordered list’s items are preceded by numbers or letters.

Q106. Which tag is used to enclose list items in both ordered and unordered lists?

Answer – The li tag is used to enclose list items in both ordered and unordered lists.

Q107. You created an unordered list with four list items. All the content following the fourth list item that should be normal text is indented under the list. What is the most likely cause of this problem?

Answer – A missing closing tag, such as </ul>, is most likely the cause of the problem.

Q108. Which HTML attribute changes the numbering style of a list?

Answer – The type attribute changes the numbering style of a list.

Q109. True/False: You can use more than one dd tag for each dt tag.

Answer – True.

Q110. Which HTML attribute changes the starting letter or number for a list?

Answer – The start attribute changes the starting letter or number for a list.

Q111. Fill in the blank: When displayed in a browser, each item in an unordered list is preceded by a _____________, by default.

Answer – When displayed in a browser, each item in an unordered list is preceded by a bullet, by default.

Q112. Fill in the blank: The dl tag stands for ________________________.

Answer – The dl tag stands for definition list.

Q113. True/False: When you nest unordered lists, the bullet style remains unchanged.

Answer – False.

Q114. What value is used with the display property to change a list from vertical to horizontal?

Answer – Use display: inline to change a list from vertical to horizontal.

Q115. How can you change a list from using Arabic numbers to lowercase letters?

Answer – To change a list from using Arabic numbers to lowercase letters, you can use type=”a”.

Q116. Which CSS property is used to replace the standard bullet in a list with an image?

Answer – The list-style-image property is used to replace the standard bullet in a list with an image.

Q117. What is the difference between the td and th tags?

Answer – The td tag is used for standard table cells, whereas the th tag is used for cells containing header information. By default, the contents of th tags are made bold and centered.

Q118. The td and th tags are contained within which other table tag (aside from the table tag itself)?

Answer – The td and th tags are contained within the tr tag.

Q119. How do you force a cell’s contents to display along a single line?

Answer – Use the white-space property in your style sheet, with a value of nowrap, to force a cell’s contents to display along a single line.

Q120. What is the most widely supported way to make all internal and external borders of a table invisible?

Answer – Add border=”0″ to the opening table tag.

Q121. True/False: You cannot use other HTML tags between opening and closing td tags.

Answer – False.

Q122. Which attribute affects the appearance of the internal table borders only, not external borders?

Answer – The rules attribute affects the appearance of the internal table borders.

Q123. Fill in the blank: The ______________ attribute affects the space in between each of the individual table cells.

Answer – The cellspacing attribute affects the space in between each of the individual table cells.

Q124. What are two types of measurements you can use to identify a table’s width?

Answer – Pixels and percentages identify a table’s width.

Q125. Fill in the blank: You can add the ____________ property to your style sheet to change the background color of the whole table.

Answer – You can add the background-color property to your style sheet to change the background color of the whole table.

For all HTML – Questions with Answers

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