HTML – Questions With Answers – 151 to 175 Questions – SET 7

Q151. Fill in the blank: ____________ tags surround each item in a select menu.

Answer – option tags surround each item in a select menu.

Q152. True/False: The fieldset tag is used to divide long select menus into categories of submenus.

Answer – False.

Q153. Which attribute is added to the form tag to give the location where the form’s information should be sent?

Answer – The action attribute gives the location where the form’s information should be sent.

Q154. Which attribute and value are added to the form tag to tell the browser to take all the data submitted with the form and send it to the server attached to the end of the file’s URL?

Answer – The method=”get” attribute and value tell the browser to take all the data submitted with the form and send it to the server attached to the end of the file’s URL.

Q155. Fill in the blank: _______________ positioning takes an element out of the normal page flow and positions it in a particular place on the page.

Answer – Absolute positioning takes an element out of the normal page flow and positions it in a particular place on the page.

Q156. Which property determines whether a layer is hidden or visible?

Answer – The visibility property determines whether a layer is hidden or visible.

Q157. Which two properties are set in the body tag to ensure all browsers use the same “starting point” for page layout?

Answer – The padding and margin properties should be set in the body tag to ensure all browsers use the same “starting point” for page layout.

Q158. According to the W3C specifications, if you had a box that was 150 pixels wide, with ten pixels of padding on all four sides and a two-pixel border all the way around, what would be the total horizontal space used by the box?

Answer – 174 pixels (150 pixels wide + 10 pixels left padding + 10 pixels right padding + 2 pixels left border + 2 pixels right border)

Q159. Which version of Internet Explorer was the last one to not follow the W3C specifications for box and page layout?

Answer – IE 5 was the last version of Internet Explorer to ignore the W3C box model specifications. IE 6, and every version since then, complies with W3C specifications for the box model and page layout.

Q160. Which HTML tag is used to create sections of content to be formatted with style sheets?

Answer – The div tag is used to separate content into formatting areas.

Q161. Fill in the blank: The ___________ attribute identifies the medium for which a particular external style sheet should be used.

Answer – The media attribute identifies the medium for which a particular external style sheet should be used.

Q162. Which HTML tag can be used to reference an external style sheet?

Answer – The link tag can be used to reference an external style sheet.

Q163. Fill in the blank: ____________ positioning is the default type of positioning.

Answer – Static positioning is the default type of positioning.

Q164. True/False: Relative positioning adjusts an element’s location on the page relative to itself.

Answer – True.

Q165. Which property is used to specify an element’s stacking order on the page?

Answer – The z-index property is used to specify an element’s stacking order on the page.

Q166. True/False: When adjusting an element’s stacking order on the page, lower values take precedence over higher values.

Answer – False. The element with the highest value is placed on “top.”

Q167. True/False: The W3C maintains a special specification for HTML e-mail.

Answer – False. The Email Standards Project maintains those recommendations.

Q168. Fill in the blank: _________ is any e-mail sent without the permission of the recipient.

Answer – Spam is any e-mail sent without the permission of the recipient.

Q169. What is the difference between an ISP and an ESP?

Answer – An ISP provides Internet access to customers, while an ESP provides bulk messaging services.

Q170. Fill in the blank: You must use __________ paths for all images and links in HTML e-mail.

Answer – You must use absolute paths for all images and links in HTML e-mail.

Q171. Why should you avoid relying on images to translate key messages in HTML e-mail?

Answer – You should avoid relying on images to translate key messages in HTML e-mail because so many e-mail readers block images by default.

Q172. Which type of style sheets should be used for all HTML e-mail?
A. Inline
B. Internal
C. External
D. Linked

Answer – A. Inline is the correct answer.

Q173. Why must we rely on tables for column-based layout in HTML e-mail?

Answer – We must rely on tables for column-based layout in HTML e-mail because of the lack of widespread support of CSS for layout among e-mail readers.

Q174. Which methods of adding interactivity to HTML e-mail are widely supported by e-mail readers? (Select all that apply.)
A. Flash
B. Video
C. Forms
D. None of the above

Answer – D. None of the above is the correct answer.

Q175. True/False: It is acceptable to use CSS shorthand in HTML e-mail.

Answer – False.

For all HTML – Questions with Answers

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