HTML – Questions With Answers – 26 to 50 Questions – SET 2

Q26. Fill in the blank: The p tag is an example of a _____________ tag because it contains sections of text.

Answer – The p tag is an example of a container tag because it contains sections of text.

Q27. What symbols must start and end all HTML tags?

Answer – Left and right angle brackets (< >) must start and end all HTML tags.

Q28. What is the difference between decimal numbers and hexadecimal numbers?

Answer – Decimal number systems are based on the number 10, whereas hexadecimal systems are based on the number 16.

Q29. The second two numbers in a six-digit hexadecimal code refer to which color?

Answer – The second two numbers in a six-digit hexadecimal code refer to green.

Q30. How many colors are there in the web-safe palette?

Answer – There are 216 colors in the web-safe palette.

Q31. #036 is hexadecimal shorthand for which complete hex color code?

Answer – #003366

Q32. Fill in the blank: Instead of making up new characters to represent the remaining units after 9, the hexadecimal system uses the first six letters of the _________________________.

Answer – Instead of making up new characters to represent the remaining units after 9, the hexadecimal system uses the first six letters of the English alphabet.

Q33. Can you use RGB color values to specify color in traditional HTML code?

Answer – No, in traditional HTML code, you can only specify colors in HTML using hexadecimal codes and predefined color names.

Q34. True or False: All web page colors must be specified using hexadecimal color values.

Answer – False. If you use CSS to specify your page colors, you are not limited to hexadecimal color values.

Q35. Fill in the blank: Each of the web-safe colors has decimal RGB values that are multiples of _____.

Answer – Each of the web-safe colors has decimal RGB values that are multiples of 51.

Q36. Which tag is used as a CSS selector when you want to change the color of a page’s links?

Answer – The a tag is used as a CSS selector when you want to change the color of a page’s links.

Q37. Which tag is used as a CSS selector when you want to change the background color of a page?

Answer – The body tag is used as a CSS selector when you want to change the color of a page background.

Q38. What is the difference between physical and logical styles in HTML?

Answer – Logical styles name how text is to be used in a page, but not how it will look. Physical styles tell how the text should look when rendered in the browser, but not how they will be used on the page.

Q39. What is the purpose of the br tag?

Answer – The <br /> tag is used to add a line break.

Q40. What happens when you code three p tags in a row?

Answer – The browser uses only the first tag and ignores the others.

Q41. List two style sheet properties used for text alignment.

Answer – The CSS properties text-align and vertical-align are used for text alignment.

Q42. Name four possible values of the font-size CSS property.

Answer – Possible values of the font-size CSS property include point sizes (12pt, 14pt, and so on), pixel sizes (10px, 12px, and so on), em sizes (24em, 36em, and so on), and keywords (such as xx-small, x-small, small, medium, and so on).

Q43. What is a characteristic of text rendered in the style of the tt tag?

Answer – It is rendered in a typewriter font.

Q44. Fill in the blank: You use the ________ property in CSS when specifying the font name in which the text should be rendered.

Answer – You use the font-family property in CSS to specify the font name in which the text should be rendered.

Q45. Which tag is used to mark a reference to another source or a short quotation?

Answer – <cite> marks a reference to another source or a short quotation.

Q46. Name the four possible values of the text-align CSS property.

Answer – Four possible values of the align attribute and the text-align property are left, right, center, and justify.

Q47. Fill in the blank: The process of providing a backup font name in the font-family property is also referred to as _____________.

Answer – The process of providing a backup font name when specifying fonts is also referred to as cascading.

Q48. How is the div tag different from the p tag?

Answer – The p tag adds blank lines around paragraphs, whereas the div tag does not have any formatting properties of its own. Instead, the div tag carries the properties of any attributes used with it. This means placing a div tag in your page won’t affect the look of it in the browsers, but placing <div style=”text-align:right;”> aligns the text elements after that tag to the right.

Q49. Fill in the blank: The h tag is an example of a _____________ style.

Answer – The h tag is an example of a logical style.

Q50. True/False: The blockquote tag indents text on both the left and right sides.

Answer – True.

For all HTML – Questions with Answers

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