HTML – Questions With Answers – 76 to 100 Questions – SET 4

Q76. Add the appropriate style declaration to use wallpaper.gif as a background for the web page code shown next. Note that the graphic is in the same folder as the HTML file.

Answer – body {background-image: url(“wallpaper.gif”);}

Q77. What are the four possible values of the clear property (used to clear floats)?

Answer – Left, right, all, and none are the possible values of the clear property.

Q78. Fill in the blank: The default value of the border property is ____ pixels for linked images and _____ pixels for nonlinked images.

Answer – The default value of the border property is 1 pixel for linked images and 0 pixels for nonlinked images.

Q79. True/False: You can achieve a layered look in your designs when an image in the foreground is placed on top of an image in the background.

Answer – True.

Q80. What value must be used with the display property before you can center an image using the method discussed in this chapter?
img.centered {display: ; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto;}

Answer – The correct code is img.centered {display:block; margin-left: auto; marginright: auto;}

Q81. Which attribute is used to add alternative text to an image?

Answer – alt is used to add alternative text to an image.

Q82. Which statement is not true about background images?
A. All background images tile by default.
B. You can only include one image in the background.
C. Background images are added to web pages with the background tag.
D. Background images begin at the top of the page and run all the way to each of the four sides.

Answer – Answer C is correct, or in this case Answer C is the only statement that isn’t true about backgrounds. Background images are added to a web page with the body tag and background attribute, not the background tag.

Q83. What’s the difference between a plug-in and a helper application?

Answer – A plug-in helps the browser display a file, whereas the helper application does it for the browser.

Q84. Which tag does the W3C recommend for embedding multimedia in a web page?

Answer – The object tag is recommended by the W3C for embedding multimedia in a web page.

Q85. How can users determine which plug-ins are installed on their computers, and/or download new plug-ins?

Answer – Most users can look in the plugins directory within your browser’s application or program folder. Firefox users can choose Tools | Add-Ons and then click the Plugins tab. Internet Explorer users choose Internet Options from the Tools menu in the browser, and then click the Programs tab and the Manage Add-Ons button to view a list of all add-ons.

Q86. What are two ways you can include multimedia files in a web site?

Answer – You can include multimedia files in a web site by linking to them or embedding them.

Q87. True/False: Clicking a link to a sound file automatically downloads the file and saves it for later listening.

Answer – False.

Q88. What are two ways to specify the height and width of multimedia files embedded with the object tag?

Answer – You can specify the height and width either in the object tag itself, or in param tags nested between the opening and closing object tags.

Q89. Fix the following code:
<embed href=”” height=”100″ width=”50″ />

Answer – The correct code is <embed src=”” height=”100″ width=”50″ />

Q99. Which attribute can restrict a file from replaying after it has played through once?

Answer – loop

Q100. How might you provide an alternative way to view a file that requires a plug-in?

Answer – You can place the information (such as a link to the plug-in required) between the opening and closing object tags.

For all HTML – Questions with Answers

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