Linux – Multiple Choice Questions – MCQ – 61 to 90 Questions with Explanation

61. The _______ utility is used to allow a utility to handle more arguments than it normally could.

Answer – – xargs
Description – The xargs utility allows a command to handle more arguments than it would normally be able to process.

62. Which of the following are used to redirect stdout and stderr to a file?

A. <& B. >&
C. |&
D. &&

Answer – – B
Description – The >& characters are used to send both stdout and stderr to a file.

63. Which of the following would alphabetize the file mylist, number the list, and then separate it into files each with 60 lines?

A. sort mylist | nl > -60 lists
B. sort mylist > nl > split -60 > lists
C. sort mylist | nl | split -60 lists
D. sort mylist | nl | tee lists | split -60 lists

Answer – – D
Description – The pipes are used to send data from one command to another, so Answer –s A and B are incorrect. Answer – C does not create two files, so only D is correct.

64. The ___________ utility is used to view a file in reverse.

Answer – – tac.
Description – The tac utility is used to view a file starting at the last line and ending with the first.

65. Which of the following is a metacharacter used with regular expressions? (Select all that apply.)

A. –
B. .
C. *
D. _

Answer – – B and C
Description – The . and * are both metacharacters used with regular expressions.

66. Which utility is used to provide a total count of all lines in a file?

A. nl
B. ln
C. wc
D. tr

Answer – – C
Description – The wc utility is used to provide totals of a file including word count, line count, and byte count.

67. The ____________ utility is used to ensure that files appear the same, regardless of the system used to view them, by changing tabs to spaces.

Answer – – expand.
Description – The expand utility is used to convert tab characters to spaces.

68. Which utility attempts to create lines of equal length throughout a file?

A. nl
B. ln
C. fmt
D. expand

Answer – – C
Description – The fmt utility attempts to create lines of equal length throughout a file.

69. Which utility would be easily used to replace all lowercase letters in a file with uppercase letters?

A. cut
B. sed
C. tac
D. tr

Answer – – D
Description – The tr utility is used to delete and replace characters in a file.

70. Which of the following is used to verify that a file is alphabetized?

A. sort -c
B. sort -d
C. sort -v
D. sort -m

Answer – – A
Description – Use the -c option with the sort utility to verify that a file has been sorted.

71. The __________ utility can provide information used for troubleshooting by saving output piped into another command.

Answer – – tee.
Description – The tee utility is used to send output from a command to both a file and stdout.

72. The * symbol used in regular expressions works the same as the * wildcard used at the shell prompt.

A. True
B. False

Answer – – B
Description – The metacharacters used in regular expressions have different meanings and uses than wildcards.

73. Which of the following should surround regular expressions to ensure that they are processed properly?

A. parentheses
B. backslashes
C. double quotation marks
D. single quotation marks

Answer – – D
Description – Regular expressions should be surrounded by single quotation marks.

74. Which type of file system is used for accessing remote systems?

A. ext2
B. hpfs
C. swap
D. nfs

Answer – – D
Description – The nfs file system is used for access remote systems.

75. Which of the following would represent the third partition on the second IDE drive?

A. /dev/hdb3
B. /dev/sdc2
C. /dev/hdc2
D. /dev/hda5

Answer – – A
Description – The third partition on the second drive is /dev/hdb3. The b specifies the second drive and the 3 is used for the third partition.

76. Which of the following is the pointer used to identify the location of data in files?

A. Superblock
B. Inode
C. Partition
D. File system

Answer – – B
Description – The inode is a pointer which identifies the location of data on the file system.

77. Logical drives are contained within what type of partition?

A. Primary
B. Extended
C. Swap
D. Root

Answer – – B
Description – Logical drives exist within extended partitions.

78. Which command within fdisk is used to create a partition?

A. c
B. d
C. n
D. p

Answer – – C
Description – The n command is used to create a new partition in fdisk.

79. The __________ command is used to format a swap partition.

Answer – – mkswap.
Description – The mkswap utility is used to format swap partitions.

80. Which option, used with e2fsck, specifies an alternate superblock to use when checking the file system?

A. -A
B. -b
C. -C
D. -l

Answer – – B
Description – The -b option is used to specify an alternate superblock with fsck.

81. The _________ command displays the disk space utilized on mounted file systems.

Answer – – df.
Description – The df command is used to display disk usage of file systems.

82. Which of the following files contains information on currently mounted file systems?

A. /etc/mtab
B. /etc/fstab
C. /proc
D. /dev

Answer – – A
Description – The /etc/mtab file contains the currently mounted file systems

83. The fsck utility checks a file system using how many passes?

A. Three
B. Four
C. Five
D. Six

Answer – – C
Description – The fsck utility utilizes five passes to check the file system.

84. Which command is used to view the disk usage within a directory?

A. df
B. du
C. mkfs
D. fsck

Answer – – A
Description – The du command is used to display disk usage of directories.

85. The _________ contains the inode table along with block and cluster information for the file system.

Answer – – superblock.
Description – The superblock contains inodes and information on the file system including clusters.

86. Which command is used to make a file system available to the system?

A. fsck
B. mount
C. fdisk
D. mkfs

Answer – – B
Description – The mount utility allows a file system to be accessed by the system.

87. User mountable file systems are specified in the ____________ file.

Answer – – /etc/fstab.
Description – The /etc/fstab file specifies which file systems are mountable by users.

88. Which type of file system is used for Linux systems?

A. ext2
B. hpfs
C. swap
D. nfs

Answer – – A
Description – The ext2 file system is used by Linux systems.

89. Which type of file system is used to provide virtual memory for Linux systems?

A. ext2
B. hpfs
C. swap
D. nfs

Answer – – C
Description – Swap file systems are used to provide virtual memory in Linux systems.

90. Which type of file system is used for OS/2 systems?

A. ext2
B. hpfs
C. swap
D. nfs

Answer – – B
Description – The hpfs file system is used by OS/2 systems.

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