Th3Inspector – Open Source Information Gathering Tool

Within the vast sea of the Internet, targets are easy to find. Most all networks advertise the Internet service provider (ISP) they depend on as well as their design, configuration, hardware types, and potentially vulnerable holes. Keep in mind that most of the normal discovery techniques for information gathering are noninvasive and usually are no more illegal then rattling door handles to check whether doors are open. Depending on the
attackers intensions and the target’s legal resources, most find these will be hard, if not impossible, to prosecute.

In a straightforward information-gathering attack on a company, we’ll use LinkedIn as an example. LinkedIn allows a user to search by company name. Any Linked-In user who currently or formerly worked at the target and associated themselves with the company name in their profile will be listed in the search results. We can then narrow the search by country, state, or region to more narrowly target individuals who work at the division or facility we’re interested in. Once we’ve created a list of targets, we can search for the same individuals using other social media sites—Facebook, for

Installation of Th3inspector –

Th3inspector is an open source information gathering tool available on Github through which you can easily find much information about the target such as Server details, whois info, target IP, Phone number, email, sub-domains etc.

Command: git clone

To run this tool, you need to give the executable permissions to the file by typing the following command in your terminal.

Command: chmod +x && ./

As you can see that, a welcome screen appears with the list of modules:

  • [01] Website Information
  • [02] Phone Number Information
  • [03] Find IP Address And E-mail Server
  • [04] Domain Whois Lookup
  • [05] Find Website/IP Address Location
  • [06] Bypass Cloudflare
  • [07] Domain Age Checker
  • [08] User Agent Info
  • [09] Check Active Services On Resource
  • [10] Credit Card Bin Checker
  • [11] Subdomain Scanner
  • [12] Check E-mail Address
  • [13] Content Management System Checker
  • [14] Install & Update

Let’s for an example, you want to enumerate the Website Information about the target: type [01]

If want to know the domain age about any target, type [07].

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