50 questions you need to know about Professional Penetration Testing | FAQ

Those of us who have conducted or participated in a penetration test will understand that tools are not the only thing necessary to successfully complete a PenTest. Methodologies are essential for ensuring that…

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40 Cyber Security MCQ with Answers and Explanations

The following multiple-choice questions are just a Warm-up Questions for you which are as follows: 1. Why would a hacker use a proxy server? A. To create a stronger connection with the target….

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HTML – Questions With Answers – 201 to 225 Questions – SET 9

Q201. What two words should be avoided as link labels on a web page? Answer – “Click here” should be avoided as link labels on a web page. Q202. Fill in the blank:…

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Computer Networking Questions with Answers – 30 Questions – Set 3

1. What is progressive download? Answer: Progressive download enables you to view streaming content as it is downloaded to your media player. With progressive downloads, you can watch live events as they take…

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Computer Networking Questions with Answers – 30 Questions – Set 2

1. What is the difference between the ISM and SSM multicast models? Answer: With the ISM model, the routers in the network maintain source information. However, with SSM the receivers are responsible for…

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Computer Networking Questions with Answers – 30 Questions – Set 1

1. In which layers of the OSI model does content networking reside? Answer: Content networking devices technically work at Layers 17, but true content networking services can be considered to reside in Layers…

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Take the Online Safety Quiz 2017

Part of Safer Internet Day, this Online Quiz invites children, young people, parents, grandparents and teachers to create a better internet together by exploring what to do in different situations that may arise…

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HTML – Questions With Answers – 176 to 200 Questions – SET 8

Q176. Why should you avoid using background images in tables in HTML e-mail? Answer – You should avoid using background images in tables in HTML e-mail because Outlook 2007 does not support them….

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HTML – Questions With Answers – 151 to 175 Questions – SET 7

Q151. Fill in the blank: ____________ tags surround each item in a select menu. Answer – option tags surround each item in a select menu. Q152. True/False: The fieldset tag is used to…

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HTML – Questions With Answers – 126 to 150 Questions – SET 6

Q126. True/False: To add a caption to a table, you use the caption attribute in the opening table tag. Answer – False. Q127. If you include a thead or a tfoot group in…

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HTML – Questions With Answers – 101 to 125 Questions – SET 5

Q101. True/False: A link to a multimedia file is the same as any other link because it also uses the a tag. Answer – True. Q102. What is the purpose of the param…

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HTML – Questions With Answers – 76 to 100 Questions – SET 4

Q76. Add the appropriate style declaration to use wallpaper.gif as a background for the web page code shown next. Note that the graphic is in the same folder as the HTML file. Answer…

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HTML – Questions With Answers – 51 to 75 Questions – SET 3

Q51. Which style sheet property is a better way to add horizontal lines to a page than the hr tag? Answer – The border property is a better way to add horizontal lines…

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HTML – Questions With Answers – 26 to 50 Questions – SET 2

Q26. Fill in the blank: The p tag is an example of a _____________ tag because it contains sections of text. Answer – The p tag is an example of a container tag…

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Linux – Multiple Choice Questions – MCQ – 391 to 420 Questions with Explanation

391. Which script is run when X Window starts? A. .xinit B. .xrc C. .startxrc D. .xinitrc Answer – – D Description – The .xinitrc script is run from your home directory when…

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HTML – Questions With Answers – 1 to 25 Questions – SET 1

Q1. What is a web browser? Answer – A web browser is a software program that runs on your computer and enables you to view web pages. Q2. What does HTML stand for?…

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Linux – Multiple Choice Questions – MCQ – 361 to 390 Questions with Explanation

361. You are told by a co-worker that information pertaining to the syslog command can be found in man page 3. How would you view this information? A. man syslog 3 B. man…

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Linux – Multiple Choice Questions – MCQ – 331 to 360 Questions with Explanation

331. Which of the following tools are used when creating a new partition for data storage on a Linux system? A. fdisk B. format C. mkfs D. mount Answer – – A, C…

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Linux – Multiple Choice Questions – MCQ – 301 to 330 Questions with Explanation

301. Which tool can be used to see if a package has been tampered with? A. verify B. md5 C. integ D. md5sum Answer – – D Description – The other commands are…

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Linux – Multiple Choice Questions – MCQ – 271 to 300 Questions with Explanation

271. On a Debian system, which file contains the hostname of the local machine? A. /etc/hosts B. /etc/HOSTS C. /etc/hostname D. /etc/HOSTNAME Answer – – D Description – Debian systems use the /etc/HOSTNAME…

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Linux – Multiple Choice Questions – MCQ – 241 to 270 Questions with Explanation

241. Which option corrects some spelling mistakes when changing directories? A. cdspell B. cdvar C. cdspchk D. spellcd Answer – – A Description – The cdspell shell option can fix some spelling mistakes…

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Linux – Multiple Choice Questions – MCQ – 211 to 240 Questions with Explanation

211. Which lpc command is used to print a job that is currently on hold? A. release B. enable C. restart D. nohold Answer – – A Description – The release command releases…

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